Angel Eyes Over Texas

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on July 2, 2012. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Creation of New CPS Section 11000 for Medical and Mental Health Services (PATS 5307)

Section 6000 has been reorganized. Kinship and Placement policies have been moved to Section 4000. Medical and mental health policies have been moved to Section 11000. Redundant items have been removed from the handbook.

No policies have been revised. Handbook items have been moved in their entirety with no changes other than the item numbers. Revision dates have not changed, since the policies have not changed.

Items Moved From Sections 2000, 6000, and 10000 to the new Section 11000

11000 (6520) Health Care

11100 (6521) Medical Consent

11110 (6521.1) Court Authorizes DFPS to Consent

11111 (6521.11) Selecting Medical Consenter and Back Up Medical Consenter

11112 (6521.12) Ensuring Training on Informed Consent and Requirements…

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